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Cuil Becomes a Real-Time Search Engine

Cuil, a search engine created by former Google employees, was launched to much fanfare last year, when it was touted as a Google-killing search engine with superior search results. However, it soon saw a drastic drop in its traffic post-launch as it failed to live up to the hype. Hoping to turn that around, Cuil has recently added a “Realtime Results” button to its search results. Clicking this button launches a pop-up window which displays recently indexed links that are relevant to your search in chronological order and also displays how much time has elapsed since those links were indexed.

While the feature is useful when searching for a current event, in which case new, relevant links are constantly being indexed and it is beneficial to get the most up-to-date information, it remains to be seen if Cuil will be able to bring back the traffic that it lost after it launched.

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