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AT&T to Enable MMS on the iPhone Tomorrow

iphonemms.jpgMMS support, which allows for the sending of multimedia files such as pictures and video via phone, was added to the iPhone in version 3.0 of the iPhone OS in June. However, unlike mobile carriers around the world, AT&T chose not to enable the service immediately, instead committing to enabling it before the end of the summer. More recently, 25 September has been specified as the exact date that the feature will be enabled for all customers.

AT&T has posted an update on its Facebook page:

“MMS Update: We know you’ve been eager for this service so we wanted to offer a quick update on the launch plans for MMS on Friday, Sept. 25. Late morning, Pacific Time, on Friday, the new carrier settings update enabling MMS should be live and ready to download through iTunes. We’ll provide the steps and all of the details you need right here at that time.”

It looks like the enabling of MMS is all set to go tomorrow, however, unlike I previously predicted, a software update will be required rather than the feature simply being enabled on your phone overnight.

[Image from]

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