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Website Allows People to Give and Receive Google Wave Invites

googlewaveinvites.pngGoogle Wave Invites is a website where you can request Google Wave invites if you need them or give them away if you have extra invites. While the website was created with good intentions, it is predictably one-sided, with 14939 invites requested and only 70 invites given, with 4 invites confirmed to have been received. The only way that the community there can survive is if the people who receive invites then give their invites back to the community, adding 7 invites to the system per invite received.

It only takes a minute to sign up there and there is a system in place for hiding your e-mail address from spammers, so it is worth it to try even if your chances of receiving an invite are slim. In the end, you are more likely to receive an invite from Google itself or from a friend than through the website. If you are already using Wave and have extra invites, you can donate them to the community there if you wish. The website may load slowly because of the high amount of traffic it is receiving.

[Image from Google Wave Invites]

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