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TweetDeck 0.33 Released

A new version of TweetDeck, version 0.33, has been released and adds several new features.

In December 2009, Twitter announced an increase in the API rate limit for applications that were accessing the API using OAuth. TweetDeck has now implemented this approach, which allows it to use 350 calls per hour, up from 150. TweetDeck uses API calls whenever the user’s timeline, mentions, direct messages and lists are updated, so the additional calls that it now has access to means that users can receive these updates more frequently. Along with the increase, TweetDeck can now automatically adjust API call rates to ensure that the user is using all of the available calls each hour, but that he does not run out of them. When this feature is enabled, TweetDeck checks how many API calls are still available before the next reset and adjusts refresh rates accordingly.

0.33 also includes a column navigator that allows the user to quickly jump to a particular column with one click. It also displays what account the column belongs to, the time remaining until the next column refresh and how many API calls are still available until the next reset. This is especially useful for people that have many columns open that require horizontal scrolling to reach, as they can now quickly jump to any column.

The new version allows users to view images from Flickr, Posterous, Mobypicture and Twitgoo from within TweetDeck, a feature that was previously available to a more limited selection of image sites. YouTube videos can also be viewed from within the program.

Existing search columns can now be edited after their creation, something that was previously impossible.

A new support screen is also included, which introduces new users to the program with a series of videos and answers to frequently asked questions. It also tells users if there is a newer version of TweetDeck available. Those who have submitted a support ticket can use the screen to submit full diagnostic information.

Several bug fixes and tweaks are also included.

TweetDeck users should be alerted about the new version soon, but the update can be downloaded manually from right now for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

A video has been released highlighting the new features:

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