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Opera Mini Submitted to the App Store

Opera Software submitted the iPhone version of its mobile browser, Opera Mini, for approval by Apple today. While at first glance it may seem like the app will likely be rejected because it simply duplicates the functionality of and competes with Safari, Opera Mini works differently than Safari. When a user visits a website using Opera Mini a request is sent to Opera’s servers, which compress the data before sending it to the phone. This allows the browser to load pages six times faster than Safari, claims Opera. It is also useful for iPhone users when facing roaming charges, as the compressed data uses less bandwidth. If approved, the app will join a growing number of third-party browsers available on the App Store.

Opera has released a video demonstrating the app:

It has also created a count-up, tracking the time elapsed since the app was submitted for approval and challenging users to guess how long it will take to get a response, with the person who makes the closest guess winning an iPhone.

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