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Apple Announces iPhone OS Event on 8 April

futureiphoneos.jpgApple has announced an event centered around iPhone OS, the operating system that powers the iPhone, iPod touch and now the iPad, this Thursday at 10.00 PDT. There, Apple will offer “a sneak peek of the next generation of iPhone OS software”, with many people anticipating the announcement of iPhone OS 4.0. [via Gizmodo]

Such an announcement would come only days after the public release of the iPad-exclusive iPhone OS version 3.2. It is not yet known whether the iPhone and iPod touch will continue to run on different versions of iPhone OS than the iPad or whether future releases will support all of the devices. As Apple specifically mentions the “iPhone OS software”, it is unlikely that details about the next generation iPhone(s), which may be released later this year, will be announced at the event.

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  3. Flexiblenyd says

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