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Want a Google Wave Invite? They Don’t Come Cheap: One Auction at $157.50

googlewaveauction.pngPredictably enough, people have begun to sell Google Wave invites on sites such as eBay, where one auction is currently at $157.50. Google will be releasing 100,000 invites sometime today, but that is hardly enough to fill the demand for invites, especially when these invites will be split amongst several groups, including developers that have been active in the developer preview, the first users who signed up for an invite at and offered to give feedback and some Google Apps users. Similar to the Gmail auctions seen when that service was invite-only and every member received only five invites, Google Wave invites are now being sold for quite a high price.

Rather than buy one of these invites, it would be a better idea to wait until Google begins to send out invites itself to see if you receive one, as it has not done so yet.

Update: The auction has now been removed.

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