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Vonage iPhone and BlackBerry Apps Now Available

vonageiphoneapp.pngVonage’s iPhone and BlackBerry apps are now available. The app allows you to make international calls from your carrier-issued phone number at Vonage’s cheaper rates over. When connected to your carrier’s cellular network, the app uses your minutes when talking, but the iPhone app can also utilize a Wi-Fi connection if one is available, allowing you to save your minutes, a feature which the BlackBerry version is missing, according to Engadget.

There are two versions of the app on the App Store, Vonage Mobile for iPhone and Vonage Mobile for iPod touch. The difference between the two versions is that the iPhone version supports calls over AT&T’s cellular network, while the iPod touch is limited to Wi-Fi. The app currently only supports pay-as-you-go and does not allow customers to use their existing Vonage plan.

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